
Hi, there! I am 0xJChen, currently a second-year master's student at EECS, University of Michigan. I am now co-leading the Compound & AAVE delegation program at Michigan Blockchain (delegate to us), with a focus on Quantitative Risk Management. I am also working on the Crypto Option Blocktrade Desk at Greeks.live, with a focus on DeFi/CeFi Options Trading and Orderflow Analysis.

Previously, I was a researcher in the area of Reinforcement Learning for three years, focused on Multi-agent Systems and Game Theory. Check out our agents for solving imperfect information game Hanabi with AlphaZero-like model-based DRL algorithms.

[News] I will be joining Amber Group as a DeFi Quantitative Developer Intern in Spring, 2024.


MEV, Crypto Derivatives, Market Microstructure, Zero Knowledge Proof

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance -Thomas Jefferson
2023@0xJChen. Page template inspired by Anish Agnihotri